When it comes to mosquitos, most people use any kind of repellant or DIY solution they can. While a majority of these solutions might help, people forget one thing, their pets. Mosquitos pose the same health risks to pets as they do to humans. With that being said, there are steps you can take to protect your animals from these disease-carrying pests. Local Exterminator discusses how mosquitos are harmful to your pets and ways to control and prevent them around your home or business.
Since many other pets produce high levels of carbon dioxide just like humans, they are also strong mosquito magnets. A mosquito bite can be just as irritating to an animal as it is to a person. Some animals might even experience a potentially serious allergic reaction. Animals are also susceptible to certain mosquito-borne diseases. That’s why mosquito control for pets and livestock is very important.
We can help with professional mosquito control treatments tailored to your home or business. Our botanical treatments are applied to bushes, shrubs, trees and all common natural surfaces around your home where mosquitoes are most likely to land. Natural water sources where mosquitoes breed can also be treated for prevention. If you do have a mosquito infestation, be sure to contact Local Exterminator to perform a mosquito treatment on your home or commercial property. Local Exterminator. can inspect, identify, and treat the problem. Call us today!
Local Exterminator Services
1513 S Tennessee Street #124
(855) 7822-825
Local Exterminator Services
P.O. Box 2944
(855) 7822-825 New Paragraph
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