As the Coronavirus continues to spread in the state of Georgia, more questions are arising about its dangers and how it can be transmitted from person to person. As Atlanta has one of the worst mosquito populations in the county, many are wondering, “Can I be infected with coronavirus from mosquito bites?”.
The short answer to this is NO. But the coronavirus is a new disease and the CDC and other health organizations are working tirelessly to find all pertinent information about this strain and a vaccine for future prevention.
Mosquitoes can pass many viruses and diseases to humans and have been a threat for many decades in tropical and underdeveloped countries. The CDC states that “Diseases that are spread to people by mosquitoes include Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue, and malaria.” and, “Although people may not become sick after a bite from an infected mosquito, some people have a mild, short-term illness or (rarely) severe or long-term illness. Severe cases of mosquito-borne diseases can cause death.”
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that “To date, there has been no information nor evidence to suggest that the new coronavirus could be transmitted by mosquitoes. The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Also, avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing.”
But as scientists and researchers uncover all there is to know about the Corvid-19 illness, more information will surely come to light.
The American Mosquito Control Association has given a link for updates on mosquito and coronavirus correlations and will be continually monitoring and updating data as they discover more.
Local Exterminator is committed to the safety and well being of our clients and has provided the below links for the most current information regarding coronavirus from mosquitoes.
Spring is the time to start combating mosquitoes and reclaim your yard! Depending on seasonal temperatures, mosquito activity can last into October. We can help with professional mosquito treatments tailored to your home or business. Our botanical treatments are applied to bushes, shrubs, trees and all common natural surfaces around your home where mosquitoes are most likely to land. Natural water sources where mosquitoes breed can also be treated for prevention. If you do have a mosquito infestation, be sure to contact Local Exterminator to perform a mosquito treatment on your home or commercial property. Local Exterminator, Inc. can inspect, identify, and treat the problem. Call us at (855) 7822-825 or contact us online today for your free consultation.
Local Exterminator Services
1513 S Tennessee Street #124
(855) 7822-825
Local Exterminator Services
P.O. Box 2944
(855) 7822-825 New Paragraph
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