Local Exterminator
Creepy, Crawly, Cockroaches: How to Prevent a Winter Roach Infestation
Wylder T

We’ve all been there—when you turn on the kitchen light and see a cockroach hastily scurrying away. You may grab a shoe or a can of bug spray to take care of the problem, but the worst is if you never find the cockroach and you know it is still residing in your house .  In the back of your head you are wondering how many more of these critters are in my home? Dealing with a cockroach infestation can leave you with an unsettling feeling, and with winter swiftly approaching it is important to take the right steps to prevent a cockroach infestation in your home.

Cockroaches need resources such as food, water and a place to keep warm and hide. With winter approaching cockroaches may be looking for shelter inside of your warm home that comes with the added bonus of being stocked with all of the resources they need to survive. The key to preventing roaches from infesting your home is to remove the home comforts that they are searching for. Cockroaches mostly come out at night – so they are typically taking refuge in a dark hiding place during daylight hours.

Here are some tips to help prevent cockroaches from taking over your home this winter:


These tips should help prevent a cockroach infestation in your home this winter, but if you do have unwelcome critters in your residence be sure to contact a pest control professional to remove them. If you suspect a pest infestation in your home, contact Local Exterminator, Inc to inspect, identify, and treat the problem. Contact Local Exterminator, Inc. today for a free estimate!


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