Did you know.. fleas can jump up to 100 times their height .
Fleas are out in full force during the warm, Georgia summer months and can be a real nuisance, especially if you have pets. Once you have fleas in your home, a flea infestation can be extremely difficult to get rid of. The larvae can stay alive throughout the winter, and over 100 eggs can be deposited in the carpet or furniture each day. It can be very easy for your cat or dog to get fleas.
To prevent a pet flea infestation, follow the following tips—
There are many flea prevention medications for your pets like Frontline and Advantix. It really is essential for dogs or outdoor cats that are exposed to fleas on a regular basis . Some flea prevent medications even protect your pets from ticks and mosquitoes as well, so it is imperative to stay up to date on flea prevention. Ask your vet which flea prevention he or she recommends for your pet. Treating your animals regularly will decrease their chances of fleas.
Keeping your home clean is very important when you are trying to protect your pets from fleas. However, if you find that your pet does have fleas, be sure to immediately wash all of your pet’s bedding in hot water . Also, wash any sheets or towels that your pet may have come in contact with. Vacuum the carpets thoroughly and throw away vacuum bags as they may contain flea eggs.
You want to make sure your lawn is well maintained. You may also be able to treat your lawn with materials that will get rid of fleas. Make sure your property is f ree of excessive brush or shrubbery . Try to keep your pets away from overgrown shrubs or bushes, as these can be popular places for fleas.
You may try flea bombing your house several times and find that your flea problem still persists. If you continue to have a problem the best thing to do is to contact professional pest control experts who can help you with your flea problem . Here at Local Exterminator, Inc our pest control professionals understand what needs to be done to prevent fleas from taking over your home, and your pets will certainly be thankful for that.
Local Exterminator, Inc. is dedicated to helping our customers get rid of pests in their homes. If you are having a problem with fleas or other pests, please contact us today.
Local Exterminator Services
1513 S Tennessee Street #124
(855) 7822-825
Local Exterminator Services
P.O. Box 2944
(855) 7822-825 New Paragraph
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