Local Exterminator
How to Avoid a Winter Cockroach Infestation
Bridger K

A Cockroach Tutorial and How To Keep Them Out During the Winter

Cockroaches… where do we even begin. For more than 280 million years, these prehistoric pests have been the black sheep of the insect world.

Shockingly, cockroaches are one of the most fascinating species on our planet. They are some of the most adaptable creatures, which adds to their difficulty in controlling these pests. It also makes beating a cockroach infestation very difficult. However, with some pro tips and professional preventative pest control services, avoiding and beating a cockroach infestation is extremely possible.

Check out these fascinating facts about cockroaches:

How to Avoid a Winter Cockroach Infestation

So how do we combat these small but powerful warriors? First, let’s answer the most frequently asked questions about cockroaches.

Do Cockroaches Bite?

Yes, cockroaches can bite, but it is rare. Cockroaches are omnivorous which means they feed on both plants and animals. However, a cockroach bite usually only occurs when a cockroach infestation has become extremely overwhelming and other food sources are scarce.

Where Do Cockroaches Go in the Winter?

Cockroaches remain active all year round and are definitely active in the winter. However, most cockroaches prefer to hibernate in the winter, which is why we tend to see them inside more often during the colder times of the year. This is because cockroaches do not like cold weather, so during the colder months, they enter a reduced metabolic state known as “diapause”. This dormant hibernation state keeps cockroaches relatively inactive during cold, winter months. Due to the industrialization of our society, cockroaches have many options for warmth and food in our homes, causing cockroaches to continue to grow, reproduce, and infest all year long.

Do Cockroaches Carry Germs?

Yes, cockroaches carry many germs. The reason why cockroaches are so dirty is that they will eat just about anything. They feast on waste, feces, and rotten food that all contain harmful diseases and bacteria. Stated previously, cockroaches can run up to 3 miles in an hour, therefore they can crawl over and touch almost anything. As cockroaches roam and inhabit spaces, they bring along these germs and illnesses with them. Cockroaches are known to spread salmonella and gastroenteritis and, in recent years, cockroaches have begun causing allergic reactions with humans.

Yes, cockroaches can fly. Adult cockroaches have able wings and can indeed fly, but they limit their air time to very short distances, such as moving from high places to low or gliding from a tree to rooftop. They will use their wings to avoid danger but do not fly for long periods or distances like other winged animals or insects.

Cockroaches may seem indestructible, but that does not mean you cannot avoid a cockroach infestation yourself. Preventative maintenance is key! Keeping cockroaches out during the winter months can be achieved by following these easy steps:

No matter how diligent you are in keeping your home clean, tidy, and cockroach free, a trained pest control service is always your best bet in cockroach prevention. Cockroaches are germ-carrying pest and make for unpleasant situations in any home or workspace.


Cockroach control and management are vital for our health and safety. If you suspect you have a cockroach infestation, call us at (855) 7822-825  or contact us online here.



Local Exterminator, Inc. has been providing superior pest control service to the metro-Atlanta area and beyond, since opening our doors in 1989. Our main office is located in Kennesaw, Georgia. Our mission is always to provide every client with quality pest control services while displaying our dedication to ethics, excellence, and customer care.


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