Local Exterminator
10 Easy Ways To Stop Mosquito Bites From Itching
Banks L


Mosquito bites can be very annoying and itchy. As the Summer weather settles in and the hot heat is bad enough, add mosquitos into the mix. Not the best combination. With that being said, there are a number of things you can do to stop mosquito bites from itching. Here, Local Exterminator discusses mosquitos and 10 easy ways to stop those pesky mosquito bites to stop itching.


10 Easy Ways To Stop Mosquito Bites From Itching

Interesting Facts about Mosquitoes :

Why Do I Always Get Bit By Mosquitoes?

Are you a mosquito magnet? Do you always wonder why you always get bit by mosquitoes? Here’s why 5 reasons why you are a mosquito magnet:

Mosquitoes technically don’t bite; they suck. When mosquitoes find their dinner, the female mosquito uses her needle-like mouth part, called a proboscis, to penetrate the skin. When she penetrates the skin, she feeds on the blood, and her saliva is released. Her saliva acts as an anticoagulant which allows her to feed on our blood without us noticing.

Once we get bit, our bodies have a natural response to the anticoagulant and our body creates histamines to send them to the bitten area. When our bodies release the histamines, it causes the bite to itch. It’s actually our bodies that create the itching feeling and not the actual bite.

The more you itch the area, the more histamines your body sends to the affected area. If you are curious on how to stop mosquito bites from itching, check out our home remedies for mosquito bites below!

These natural home remedies for mosquito bites are natural, effective, and very simple. If you are having problems with mosquitoes, call your local pest control company for a mosquito treatment for your yard.


Here at Local Exterminator, we provide effective mosquito treatments for your yard. Contact the pest control experts at Local Exterminator Inc. today to get mosquito prevention for your home or business. Call us at (855) 7822-825 for mosquito yard treatment, or contact us online!


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