Local Exterminator
The Benefits Of Wildlife Exclusion For Your Home
Clinic Staff

Wildlife exclusion is a crucial part of any wildlife control and prevention solution. Exclusion is the system whereby all entry points into your home and its structure are inspected and sealed off to prevent the infestation of rodents or other wildlife creatures. Once an animal has entered your home and nested, removal is only the first step in protecting your property. Without wildlife exclusion, animals will find their way back in and continue to use your home as a place to dwell. The exclusion process is a method to set up a barrier between your home and the wildlife that is trying to get in and will serve as a long-term solution to any wildlife infestation.

The Wildlife Exclusion Process

Exclusion happens in two phases:

#1 The fortification of your home’s entryways, structure, and foundation


Step one involves the fortification of all entryways into your home and its access points. One of our Local Exterminator trained wildlife technicians will inspect and analyze the entirety of your home’s exterior and discover any weak points that a creature could enter into. These potential openings will be properly sealed, repaired, or fortified using materials and caulking to prevent wildlife from future entry. Then traps will be set and distributed throughout the affected area to begin catching the wildlife still left inside the property.


#2 The removal and cleanup of the rodent or wildlife from your home


Once your home is properly fortified and all access points have been sealed off from the outside, the creatures need to be evacuated from the areas and a disinfectant process needs to occur. Wildlife carries harmful diseases on their bodies and in their feces. Droppings and urine can cause health issues for humans and pets and animals can cause heavy destruction on your property while inhabiting it. All of which needs to be cleaned up, removed, repaired, and properly sanitized.


Exclusion points of concern

  • Rooflines
  • Soffits
  • Roof returns
  • Vent openings
  • Pipe and Utility openings
  • Cracks and holes around the foundation

Rodents and other wildlife creatures are constantly searching for a dry, warm place to take shelter, nest, and reproduce. They also love to chew through electrical wires which can cause major damage and house fires. The winter months are prime time for wildlife infestation as the outside elements become too harsh for wildlife to survive and they strive to find a safe place to inhabit.

Wildlife Control & Prevention in Atlanta, GA


Local Exterminator has been serving the greater Atlanta area for over 30 years. We have the trained technicians and wildlife experience to remove, repair, and exclude any wildlife from your home or property. Our team is comprised of experts fully licensed and permitted (State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources) in live trapping, humane animal removal, and relocation. There are a number of diseases and medical complications that can be caused by wild animal waste, which is not always easy for an untrained person to see or recognize, so these cleaning procedures are extremely beneficial and are highly advised by the Local Exterminator, Inc. staff. As a preventative measure, we also provide exclusion processes to avoid future infestations.  Contact Local Exterminator Inc. or call (855) 7822-825 to provide wildlife control services to your home or business today!


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