Local Exterminator
Types Of Snakes In Georgia
Clinic Staff


The Georgia Department of Natural Resources states that there are over 50 types of snakes in Georgia with 6 of those being poisonous species. Snakes inhabit the parks, woodlands, and properties all around the state of Georgia and finding a snake in or near your home is not an uncommon occurrence. Most Georgia snakes are non-venomous and actually help our ecosystem by eating rodents and insects. They will not harm your family and pets and are best left alone to go about their day. But the 6 venomous snakes can deliver harmful and even fatal bites and should be handled by a professional wildlife control technician at Local Exterminator.


What to do if you encounter a snake on your property or home

Unless you are well-versed in identifying the many types of snakes inhabiting Georgia, it is best to treat any snake you find as a poisonous one. Finding a snake in your home or on your property can be very startling. It is best to stay calm and not to disturb the snake any more than is necessary.

If you encounter a non-venomous snake in your home

If you encounter a venomous snake in your home


In either situation take a picture of the snake and send it to your Local Exterminator technician. They will be able to identify the snake and tell you if it is venomous or not before they arrive to assess the situation.


Types of venomous snakes in GaVenomous Snakes In GA | Any Pest

Remember, snakes are as scared of you as you are of them. There is no need to put yourself or the snake in danger upon meeting. If you are bitten by a snake that you think may be poisonous, it is best to seek medical attention right away. A venomous snake bite can cause serious injury and even death.

Snake removal and control in Atlanta, GA


Local Exterminator has the trained wildlife technicians to properly remove a snake from your property and over 30 years of experienced wildlife service in the metro Atlanta area. If you find a snake in your home or on your property, call us at (855) 7822-825 or contact us online here .


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