Mosquitoes, the ultimate pest. They swarm our backyards, playgrounds, pools, and outdoor living spaces and without professional service can ruin our summer fun. Mosquitoes are most prevalent in Georgia beginning in late spring and continuing all the way through the fall. With our warmer climate, mosquitoes can thrive in the South for much longer periods than other parts of the country. Hiring a regularly scheduled mosquito service is the best line of defense for your home, family, and pets and will greatly reduce the number of mosquitoes by preventing their breeding and swarming your property over the warm summer months.
Mosquito prevention starts with some simple tasks that you can do before your service period. Especially after larger summer storms and the build-up of free-standing water, these tips can help minimize mosquito breeding and swarming.
Mosquito bites cause red protrusions that can be painful, itchy and in some cases, cause allergic reactions. Moreover, mosquitoes are often a carrier of diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, encephalitis, yellow fever, West Nile & Zika virus , dog heartworm, and many others. The females can carry a disease from one animal or human to another as they feed.
An Adult mosquito lives for only a few weeks. Only female mosquitoes actually “bite” humans. The mosquito females drink blood and the nectar of plants but the males only sip plant nectar. The female mosquito requires blood to produce eggs. After drinking blood, adult females lay a raft of 50 to 400 tiny white eggs in standing water or very slow-moving water. Within a week, the eggs hatch into larvae (sometimes called “wrigglers” ) that breathe air through tubes, which they poke above the surface of the water. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 3,000 eggs within a couple of weeks. This rapid multiplication is very hard to combat and using a professional mosquito service on a regular basis is the most reliable and effective way to curb their reproduction.
Local Exterminator Services
1513 S Tennessee Street #124
(855) 7822-825
Local Exterminator Services
P.O. Box 2944
(855) 7822-825 New Paragraph
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