After termites, roaches are arguably the worst pest to have in your home. Roaches are among the most unpleasant creatures on earth. Adult roaches are roughly 1.5 inches long and reddish-brown in hue. Once they’re inside the houses, they may cause serious health problems as well as make us feel disgusted and uncomfortable.
Unfortunately, cockroaches are quite clever and smart. They like to reside in areas where they can readily acquire food and hide from us. Given this, the most likely areas to locate them are in garbage cans, under the kitchen sink, or in the pantry.
But what if you don’t find any live roaches? Is it possible that you still have a problem? You’ll be able to get a handle on things faster if you recognize other indicators of a pest infestation.
If you haven’t seen the adult roaches, you could come across their eggs. Roaches lay their eggs in capsules called “ootheca,” which may store up to 30 young roaches. The eggshells are long and hollow, with light brown eggs within. The casings will be left behind after the eggs hatch.
Look below cabinet sinks or behind your refrigerator. If you find casings with their eggs still inside, flush them down the toilet. However, this is uncommon since female roaches will keep their eggs around with them until they are almost ready to hatch.
This is why squishing adult roaches is not a great idea. You may accidentally move the eggs to the bottom of your shoe. The eggs will be released the next time you walk around your house.
Cockroach droppings look like coffee grinds or black pepper. They are so little – roughly 1mm broad – so detecting them might be challenging. This is true for German cockroaches, but if you have a different species in your house, the droppings may be bigger – around the size of a grain of rice.
Check for droppings in the corners of the room, below the refrigerator, and on the tops of cabinets. Roaches may also leave smear marks when they defecate since they will just use the restroom as they go about their day.
When roaches defecate, they emit a pheromone that attracts other roaches. Humans, on the other hand, can detect this odor. The level of the stink may actually tell you how terrible the infestation is: the stronger the stench, the worse the infestation. This stink may seep into furniture, drapes, and clothing, which is why you should contact pest control as soon as possible.
Roaches, like reptiles, lose their old skin as they mature. In fact, roaches will molt 5–8 times before they reach adulthood. If you haven’t seen the live bugs, you could stumble upon their left-behind skin.
Roaches enjoy clutter because it gives them somewhere to hide. If your attic, cellar, or garage is overflowing with rubbish, it’s likely that it’s home to roaches. All of that material gives plenty of places for roaches to hide and flee.
Furthermore, cardboard boxes retain heat, providing warm, humid environments in which roaches may lay their eggs without being disturbed. If you notice any of the signs we mentioned above, call us right away. We’ll be happy to get rid of those nasty cockroaches for you and let you live in a home that is pest-free and lets you live more comfortably.
Local Exterminator Services
1513 S Tennessee Street #124
(855) 7822-825
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P.O. Box 2944
(855) 7822-825 New Paragraph
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