Local Exterminator
How Do Pests Enter the House? 5 Things to Watch Out For
Daniel S.

Let’s face it: Having a pest infestation in your house is one of the most unsettling things you can experience. Having bugs in your home, whether they be termites, ants, or beetles, indicates that you probably have a more serious issue that needs professional assistance. The bugs have a beautiful location to reside, therefore it is unlikely that they will depart on their own. However, how can bugs initially enter a home?

We’ll show you several typical house bugs in this blog along with their causes. We hope it assists you in preventing and getting rid of the undesirable bugs that are free renters in your home.

Are Bugs Normally Found in the House?

Yes, having bugs in the house is typical in certain ways. There will be little insects in almost every house on earth. Additionally, having pests about your property isn’t necessarily a terrible thing! Some bugs promote microbial diversity, which benefits human health.

How Do You Prevent Bugs from Entering Your Home?

However, if you start to notice bigger bugs or see them appear frequently, it might easily start to interfere with your daily activities. At that point, you must stop talking about it, act to get rid of the bugs, and research the most effective ways to keep them from returning.

Bugs and other domestic pests probably don’t just show up at your door; they have a motive for doing so. Your house is your biggest asset as an insect, whether it is for food, shelter, or a place to nest. We advise the following to keep bugs out:

Even though some of these seem obvious, the majority of homeowners don’t use the right pest prevention techniques until a problem emerges. You can avoid taking additional action by establishing best pest prevention practices for your home and following them on a regular basis.


There are instances when typical house insects could show up all over your house. You can identify this and prevent the emergence of an even greater insect infestation by recognizing specific symptoms:

Many Spiders Or Ladybugs

Many of the ordinary house pests that may infest your home are significantly preyed upon by spiders and ladybugs. Even though you might consider spiders to be an annoyance, if you don’t act soon, there could be much worse problems in the future.

Clicking Sounds Coming From Your Walls

This is usually caused by termites hitting their heads against the wall. They have most likely developed big colonies within your walls by the time you have enough of them to hear these sounds. If you hear these tapping noises repeatedly, contact pest control services right away.

Wood-Colored Pellets And Mud Tubes

Before you have complete colonies digging in your walls, here are a few visual symptoms that termites are present in your house. The mud tubes on your outside walls are designed to shield termite colonies as they tunnel further into your walls. If you notice them on any of your home’s walls, this is an indication of an invasion.

Furthermore, if you see little wood-colored pellets throughout your property, they are termite droppings. These, also known as frass, are less sinister on their own, but they are a significant clue that termites are at least examining your home.

Anthills Near Your House

Ants are among the most frequent household pests, and their presence is usually always associated with food and water. If the outer environment deprives them of food or water, they will nest around your house to steal it and return it to their colony. An anthill outside might be a warning that one is growing inside your walls, which could be a major issue. In any case, you don’t want the situation to worsen, so act quickly if you notice an anthill outside your home.

Tracks And Markings In Your Home

Many insects and pests walk along the same path to and from their nest, leaving claw prints, grease stains, or bite marks. Cockroaches leave reddish-brown streaks, and while bug markings are not as obvious as those left by mice or rats, they will frequently leave impressions on white walls, carpet, or appliances. Examine plants and fabrics for damage, since bugs may lay eggs or eat on them as well.



Local Exterminator has decades of expertise in finding and removing pest infestations from homes. We take pleasure in providing long-lasting solutions that do not endanger your house or your health.


If you see evidence of a bug infestation or have an insect problem that needs to be addressed, please contact us right away for an immediate examination. We’ll gladly take the required procedures to rid your property of pests.

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