Local Exterminator
Mosquito Life Cycle
Bridger K

Mosquito Life Cycle

The word “mosquito” is a Spanish or Portuguese in origin and means, “little fly”. Its principal source of food is nectar or a similar sugar source.

Mosquitoes can be annoying and a serious problem to mankind. They interfere with work and can spoil hours of leisure time. Their attacks on farm animals such as cows can cause a loss of weight and decreased milk production. Some mosquitoes are capable of transmitting diseases. Some of the diseases they can transmit include:

-Zika -Heartworm

-West Nile Virus


-Yellow fever



-West Nile Virus

The Mosquito Life Cycle
There are 4 stages to their life cycle, which are as follows:

1. Eggs

2. Larvae

3. Pupae

4. Adult

The best time to get mosquito issues under control is during the Larvae and Pupae stages. A
barrier application by Local Exterminator Company is the best way to do this as well as
eliminating areas/sites conducive to breeding.

5 Real Ways to Eat Bugs
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