Local Exterminator
Why Are Mosquitoes Attracted To Particular People?
David B.

Why Are Mosquitoes Attracted To Particular People?


Aside from the fact that you are an alive, breathing, blood-carrying person, there are a few other reasons that may cause mosquitoes to “love” you more than others. We’ve already listed down a couple of reasons why they are attracted to you on our previous blog, but let’s take a closer look at a few more reasons why.


You’re Perspiring a Lot

Mosquitoes love lactic acid, an organic acid that may be produced by your skin and other parts of your body. Mosquitoes have a particular sensor that detects lactic acid. Some people just create more lactic acid than others, attracting more mosquitoes, but sweating also produces more lactic acid.

Body Odor

Mosquitoes are drawn to specific chemicals found on the skin and in the perspiration of humans. These chemicals emit a distinct odor that attracts insects. Mosquitoes have been shown to be attracted to a number of chemical compounds. Lactic acid and ammonia are two examples that you may be familiar with.

The causes of the differences in body odor that make certain persons more appealing to mosquitoes are currently being researched. Genetics, specific bacteria on the skin or a mix of both might be to blame.


Mosquitoes are drawn to the color black, according to research, but little is known about why. In any case, mosquitoes may find you more appealing if you’re dressed in black or other dark colors.

It’s Possible That Your cologne or Perfume is to Blame

Do you recall the flowers that mosquitoes prefer to eat? It’s more likely to attract them if you’re wearing a scent that smells like one. If you’ll be spending a lot of time outside, skip the perfume or cologne—and be wary of any smells in your skincare products (like lotion).

Heat and Water Vapor

Our bodies create heat, and the amount of water vapor near our skin varies based on the temperature outside.

A mosquito can detect heat and water vapor as it comes closer to us. This might influence whether or not it bites. Mosquitoes are drawn to adjacent heat sources that are at a comfortable temperature, according to research.

These elements may also play a role in the selection of a host. Other animals may have temperature or water vapor changes throughout their bodies.

Where Do Mosquitoes Like To Bite?

Mosquitoes will bite any skin they can get their hands on in order to acquire a blood meal. They may, however, have a preference for particular areas.

A previous study discovered that two mosquito species prefer to bite around the head and feet. The warmth of the skin and the number of sweat glands in certain places, according to researchers, had a part in this preference.

What Causes Mosquito Bites To Itch So Badly?

When a mosquito bites you, the tip of its mouthparts is inserted into your skin and a little amount of saliva is injected into your circulation. As the mosquito sucks, this keeps your blood flowing.

The chemicals in the mosquito’s saliva cause your immune system to respond, resulting in redness, swelling, and itching.


If you are tired of dealing with mosquitoes on your own, you can call us to do the job for you. You can enjoy staying outdoors again with our effective Local Exterminator. Call us today!


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